Not with a Bang, but with a Whimper

Lent is upon us again, and we are going Six Weeks Meat-free, which is almost silly, since we pretty much don’t eat meat except for salmon now and again, I have a direct source from Alaska.  My farm raised chicken folks did not have supply when it was time to order, so it’s just the two of us, some salmon and meat-free meals almost always. Oh, hubs might have an occasional bbq take out.

I did find a couple of great new recipes that I will share in the upcoming weeks.  I will also write about l some cool kitchen gadgets that make food prep a breeze! Maybe also, the virtues of cabbage.

Veggies Galore!

All I have to report now is that I am loaded!  Loaded with vegetables, that is.  I dropped by the industrial-sized farmers market on the interstate last week.  This stuff most likely isn’t organic or local, but you can buy in bulk!  I came home with a peck of potatoes and a peck of apples and a peck of turnips and two big-ass heads of cabbage and ten fine carrots.  I’m ready! 

I have my lists.  This year will be based around meals of made from scratch soups, pasta dishes, dried bean dishes (I’m a bean snob, remember?) and egg dishes.  I have a list of 32 recipes, many of which will make enough for two meals. 

Last year when I blogged I mentioned that we were in a global pandemic.  How unfortunate that we are still menaced with Covid-19.  I think my first really big disappointment a year ago is when I realized that I could not go to church on Easter.  It was a big blow for many.  However, I took a walk Easter Sunday, and in a particular spot that overlooks the valley, I sang the first verse of “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” as loud and clear as I could muster.   I suspect I’ll do it again this year.